All good things must come to an end. With mixed emotions I let you know that I retired at the end of August 2021. I am no longer in the office all the time.
My associate, Maria Cimino, continues in the business and I hope those of you utilizing her services will continue to do so. She’s amazing, a fine consultant and a better human being. See more about Maria's expertise and her contact info HERE.
As for The Schiff Group Agency Plan & Updating Service… it continues under VERY capable hands! (See links below for more info and to subscribe.) Virginia "Gini" Viles and I worked together the latter part of 2021 on updates. January 1, 2022 Gini took over full responsibility. See more about Gini's career and expertise and her contact info HERE.
I was involved with housing authorities in various capacities for 36 years. It’s been great. You all are doing God’s work – helping low-income people afford a decent place to live. You face huge hurdles and many of you have been kind enough to allow me to assist you in these endeavors. I wish I could personally say how much I appreciate each and every one of you, but that’s not practical. All I can say is I wish you good fortunes and keep up the good work. My email address and cell phone number remain the same. Stay in touch.
Joe Schiff
Agency Plan & Updating Service
The Schiff Group Agency Plan & Updating Service continues under Virginia "Gini" Viles as of Jan. 1, 2022 as "The Policy Service". Click HERE to see a list of sample policies included in the package.
In addition to "The Policy Service", Gini offers other services to housing authorities such as Daily Clipping Service and The Training Service. You may explore and subscribe to these services by going to
Community TrailBlazers podcast (2/26/20) featuring Joe Schiff.